Sunday, September 8, 2013

Gammy & Granddaddy Visit Aug 2013

Gammy & Granddaddy came out to visit in late August.  They hadn't been up to Omaha to visit since Kinley's 1st b-day so we were SUPER excited to have them come.  Kinley knew exactly who they were and only required about 5 minutes of warm-up time.  We had SO much fun!  It was really hot so we spent our mornings out doing fun things and then came home in the afternoon for naps/fun.  Kinley showed Gammy & Granddaddy the Zoo, the Children's Museum, the Omaha Pedestrian Bridge, and her favorite park.  Granddaddy even got on the swings with her.  So adorable!  Thanks so much for a great visit and can't wait to see you both in a few months for K's b-day.  Love you guys!

Swinging in the tree at the Jungle

Kinley LOVED brushing the goats hair.  Even tried to brush my hair
with their brush.  GROSS!

Gotta make sure to get this one too

Don't want to forget to brush this one

Swinging with Granddaddy

Pump legs out.....

Now pull them in.  She is slowly getting the hang of it.

She loved the water table and water guns at the museum

Gotta love driving the green tractor

Snuggling with Gammy

Love this pic!  So happy!

Granddaddy, what's this?

21 months

Here are some photos from 21 months!

Potty training her Teddy instead of herself.  Too cute!

Shopping for school clothes.  She dressed herself. 

Loves those sunglasses!  Notice her signature style

First taste of cotton candy.  She actually didn't like it much.

Laying in bed with Mommy

Covering up her "che-che's"

Exhausted after a day of fun

Loves brushing those teeth!

I think she needed to go potty!?!

Yep, off comes the diaper. I am so afraid she is gonna fall in.

Working out with Mommy

Cheese!  Love the headband look.

Centralia Balloon Fest 2013

In early August, Kinley and I went back to Centralia for the Annual Balloon Fest.  Unfortunately right before we left town, Kinley started getting sick. She spent most of the trip with a 102+ fever and we even had to make a trip to Urgent Care to r/o UTI.   Oh, man, holding her down for a straight cath was HORRIBLE.  She was just laying there crying and screaming "help me momma".  Break my heart! 

By late Friday/early Saturday she started to feel better and we were able to do more.  On Friday night we went to Jordan and Britt's to watch the balloon's fly over and play at the playground at Trinity.  Kinley thought the balloons were pretty cool.  Saturday morning my Grandpa came over to visit with Kinley.  I was worried how she would be with him because she doesn't like new people these days.  But, she must have remembered him because she did great.  Even gave him some kisses.  That afternoon we met Mariah, and ALL the Ballantini's at the Balloon Fest for music, bouncy houses, train rides, and of course, lemon shake-ups.  Afterwards everyone came over for a grill out.  Kinley and Jordyn ended up bonding and were inseperable.  It was so cute watching them play and "chat" with each other.  The night ended wonderfully with MJ, my mom, and myself drinking wine and chatting on the patio. 

We had such a great visit and can't wait to see everyone again soon!

Britt captured this one.  Man does it show K's personality!

Ready, set, SLIDE!

Kinley insisted on holding Tony's hand.  She even
pushed Grandpa away and said "no" when he tried to take
Tony's place.  Broke Grandpa's heart.

Who knew she would dig the Ton-ster so much!

Will you be my new best friend?

You will! Yeah!  Love this adorable smile.

Let's seal the deal.  Friends for Life

Finally warmed up to Uncle Jordy.  Think it was the chips?
Just kidding.  She loves Uncle Jordy

Still needed that chip though

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

More 20 Month Pics

Here are a few more pics of the past 2 weeks.  Enjoy!

Putting on deodorant!  Matt caught her in the bathroom on her own.
She had gotten into his drawer and was putting it on.  Too funny!

Enjoying the slide.  Love the cute little Nike shorts!

Kinley apparently learned to spell while Mommy has been recovering.

Just chillin'

Showing off her water marker.  Such a happy girl!

We spent time outside with an Aquadoodle and bucket of H20.
Who knew that would be so fun?!?

Love that smile! 

A natural artist

Matt decided to "swim" in our lake - YUCK!

Kinley yelled "No, Matt" when he jumped into the lake

Yuck!  Can't believe he did it 3 times.  Gross!

Enjoying the hose. We tried the sprinkler and she HATED it.
She apparently only likes water on her terms.

She squirted herself in the face when she stuck
her fingers in the hose.  It was so funny!

My little water baby!

Grandma & Grandpa Visit

On July 10th, I underwent gallbladder surgery.  Luckily for us, my parents just happened to have a visit scheduled for that weekend.  Thankfully, they were able to change their flight and fly in the evening of my surgery.  They were incredibly helpful during my recovery period.  Their being here allowed Matt to go to work for a few days.  Both helped so much with taking care of Kinley, helping with home chores, and TLC to me that only a Momma can give. :)  Kinley LOVED having them there.  She knew Mommy had "ouchies" and couldn't lift her but didn't fully understand why.  I am SO thankful to my mom, dad, and of course my amazing husband for all their help during my recovery. 

Kinley had so much fun playing tea party with Grandpa, reading books, and playing with Gma & Gpa.  She has been saying "Paw-Paw" for Grandpa for a while but during this trip started saying "Maw-Maw" for Grandma.  Needless to say, my mom was thrilled.  It was adorable because Kinley would run around the house yelling "Maw-Maw, Paw-Paw" looking for both of them.  One afternoon when I was feeling pretty good, we went to the park near our house.  K and Grandpa had fun sliding and swinging.  Gpa & Gma also took K to the Children's Museum one morning.  It was such a great visit even though it wasn't the best of circumstances. 

Push me Grandpa

Coloring with Grandma

Good job Grandma!  That's a nice sun

What's this?  Not sure what she was pointing at...

Watching t.v. with Grandpa

Kinley LOVES slides!

Too distracted by the other kids to slide down

Hollywood in her shades!

Grandpa's turn!

Dig, Dig.  She was strong enough to lift the scoop
but not quite good enough to handle the levers yet

Riding motorcycles with Grandpa

Look Grandma, I can do it by myself

So happy to swing and be tickled by Grandma


Grandma got you!

Yeah!  This is so fun!  This is really the first time she has
liked swinging lately.  Gma & Gpa have the touch!

Love this pic!  They are so happy together

That is the look of love!

Watch me do it by myself

Trying out the big girl swing

This spoiled girl got a new slide toy while
Gma & Gpa were here.

Smile!  This is the best we could get with the bow in

Much happier with bow out!
Love how happy Gma looks while looking at the K.

Grandpa with his favorite girls!