Monday, April 23, 2012

Mariah Visits!

This past weekend Mariah came for a visit.  It was SO great to see her and have some girls time.  Plus, she hadn't seen Kinley since Jordan's wedding (Kinley was 6 weeks old).  She flew in Thursday night and left Sunday morning.   On Friday, we went took Kinley to daycare while we did some exploring of West Omaha.  We also got some awesome mani/pedis!  I have to admit that all I could think about during the mani/pedi trip was how I can't wait to take Kinley for a girl's day when she is older.  Friday night we all (MJ, Matt, and I) went out to eat at this cool sushi place in town called Blue.  On Saturday, MJ and I were complete bums!  We lounged around and played with Kinley all day.  It was AWESOME!  Saturday night Mariah and I went out just us girls and watched The Lucky One.  Good movie.  Thanks to Mariah for making the trip to Omaha to visit Kinley and give me some much needed girls time.  Kinley loves her "Aunt" Mariah! 

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Baby Food!!!

So this week we started Kinley on baby foods.  She has been doing cereal for about 3 weeks and doing great.  We were told to start with green veggies so I chose green beans over peas.  Nobody likes peas!  Kinley LOVED them!!!  She has been so interested in foods lately and watching us eat.  We are going to try peas tonight and then on to more veggies and eventually fruits and meats.  Here are a few pics of her first feeding.  Sorry for the close ups and bad lighting.  Hard to take pics by yourself, with the phone, and while feeding.  Enjoy!

First bite.  Oops too big!

Yum!  That's better

This is great!  I could get use to this food thing

What?! All gone?

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Kinley's First Easter

This year for Easter we headed home to Illinois.  Jordan and Brittany and my grandpa hadn't seen Kinley since Jordan's wedding so we figured it was time to head home.  I was SOOOO nervous about our first flight with Kinley, especially after the day she had at daycare the day before we were supposed to leave.  Side note here.... I went to pick Kinley up on Thursday and the owner said "Your daughter has been a beast today".  Definitely NOT want you want to hear as you walk into the room.  There were also 5 girls in the infant room instead of the normal 2-3.  Talk about overwhelming.  Apparently Kinley had refused to eat and sleep all day.  I was terrified she was getting sick.  The next morning, she woke up SO happy.  She did AMAZING on the flight!  We made sure to feed her on the way up and down and she napped on the plane the whole time.  Luckily it is only and hour flight so wasn't bad at all.  I was SO PROUD!!!! 

We spent the weekend just hanging out at my parents house.  Another side note... Their new house is almost done and it looks INCREDIBLE!  Okay, I'm back on topic....  Kinley got to visit with her great grandpa, great god-mommy Connie, Uncle Jord / Aunt Britt, and of course Grandpa / Grandma.  I don't think my parents could get enough of her.  The feeling was definitely mutual.  I have to tell the funny thing that happened.  Grandpa was holding and bouncing Kinley shortly after a meal. Guess what?  She threw up!  It went straight into Grandpa's mouth and down his shirt.  I don't think any of us have ever laughed so hard.  Luckily he still loves her.   

We were sad to leave Illinois but are looking forward to returning Memorial Day weekend for my dad's graduation.

Ready to leave Omaha

All dressed up in the outfit from Great-God-Mommy Connie

Chilling with Uncle Jordy and Aunt Britt

Too cute!  Gammy got her the bunny hat.

Just like her mommy, loves presents

Reading her new Easter book from Gammy with Grandma

Grandpa loves his "sugar bugga".  That is his name for Kinley

The proud grandparents

Kinley really enjoyed Great Grandpa Bill!  I think he enjoyed her more though

This one is dark but shows off her cute outfit!

She really enjoyed the bumbo chair with built in toys!

Enjoying the weather

A few weeks ago we had some AMAZING weather in Iowa.  So much that I was thinking "Huh, Iowa isn't so bad".  Since then it has gone back to normal (50's to 60's).  Kinley, Matt, and I took advantage of the nice weather with some walks around the neighborhood.  Matt and I discovered that one of the benefits of living on a golf course is the beer cart!  It came in really handy during one of our long walks.  Is that bad?  Nah!  Also, Matt has turned into this manly man and goes fishing at least 4-5 nights per week.  Weird.  But hey, whatever helps him relax.

Mommy was playing dress-up here.  This is her first skirt and first pair of shoes!

Couldn't resist adding the shades!

Matt's big catch!