Monday, April 23, 2012

Mariah Visits!

This past weekend Mariah came for a visit.  It was SO great to see her and have some girls time.  Plus, she hadn't seen Kinley since Jordan's wedding (Kinley was 6 weeks old).  She flew in Thursday night and left Sunday morning.   On Friday, we went took Kinley to daycare while we did some exploring of West Omaha.  We also got some awesome mani/pedis!  I have to admit that all I could think about during the mani/pedi trip was how I can't wait to take Kinley for a girl's day when she is older.  Friday night we all (MJ, Matt, and I) went out to eat at this cool sushi place in town called Blue.  On Saturday, MJ and I were complete bums!  We lounged around and played with Kinley all day.  It was AWESOME!  Saturday night Mariah and I went out just us girls and watched The Lucky One.  Good movie.  Thanks to Mariah for making the trip to Omaha to visit Kinley and give me some much needed girls time.  Kinley loves her "Aunt" Mariah! 

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