Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Still loving the jumperoo!

Kinley is still really loving her jumperoo!  She loves anything that allows her to stand and move.  We tried really hard to get this video.  It is a little long but goes good to the music.  Enjoy!

6 Month Update (3 weeks late)

I am SOOO behind on updating the blog and I appologize for that. 

Kinley turned 6 months old!!!! I can not believe how big my little girl is getting.  It seems like only yesterday we were snuggling her in the hospital and now she is so becoming such a big girl.  She is absolutely the most amazing person in the world!   It is so cool to watch her personality develop and believe me she has one.  She is so happy (most the time).  She laughs a lot and smiles all types of goofy smiles (the best is a chinese smile in which she squints her eyes and shrugs her shoulders - hilarious).  She has also developed quite the whine when she gets tired and scream when she is mad (like when I wipe her noise).  It is too hard to not just crack up laughing when she gets so upset.  Is that bad??? 

We recently started baby foods and she LOVES it.  She is eating stage 1 fruits for breakfast and veggies for dinner.  She initially HATED apples and pears and would make the cutest pucker face when eating them.  I tried them and they are tart.  She has loved all her veggies (sweet potatoes, carrots, peas, green beans, and squash).  She now enjoys all the fruits too (apples, pears, peaches, and bananas).  We are getting ready to move up to stage 2 foods this week.  She has also started using a sippy cup.  We are still working on grasping the concept of tipping the cup up but she is learning.  Water is the drink of choice with sippy cup.  I have decided not to do juices with her.  I figure if she doesn't have them, she won't want juices instead of water. 

Kinley has become VERY active.  She absolutely will NOT stay on her back during diaper changes.  She loves to be on her belly as much as possible.  Matt and I have created a "circuit training" routine in which she moves from station to station (exersaucer, jumperoo, sitting, tummy time, and just added sitting on bench for activity center).  She is actively rolling all over the place.  I guess she has finally figured out that she can roll multiple times to get what she wants.  There have been several times that she has been on the floor and I turn around (just for a second) and she is across the room.  No more leaving her unattended.  When on her tummy,  she is able to crawl (well army crawl) backwards but hasn't quite figured out how to pull up her knees to rock or go forward.  Kinley has mastered sitting!  She sits, reaches, and plays with anything and everything in sight.  She reaches up to be picked up when you put your hands out for her.  So cute!

She is very inquisitive and interested in watching everything around her.  The girls at daycare think she is nosy but I think she just wants to watch and learn.  She has recently begun transitioning to the "big kid" side of the baby room.  She loves it!  Today I picked her up and she was surrounded by 3 of the older girls just talking to Kinley.  It was cool to see her so interested and involved with them.  She has also started babbling more and more.  Her favorite sound to make is "dadadada".  Of course, right.. never mama first.  She does LOVE her daddy! 

Here are her stats.....

Height: 26.25" (70.5%)
Weight: 16# 5.8 oz (59%)
HC: 43.3 cm (75%)

Clothes/Diapers: She is in 9 month sleepers because her feet are so long.  She is still in 6 month regular clothes but we will be transitioning to 9 month clothes soon.  She is  in size 3 diapers and we are using the Pampers Cruisers because she is so active. 

Sleep:  She is still not napping much at daycare.  The doctor said she really isn't sleeping enough during the week which is why she crashes on weekends.  She sleeps most of the day on weekends.  At daycare she will maybe take two or three 20-30 minute naps.  At home she takes two - three 2-3 hour naps.  She goes to bed anywhere from 7-8 pm depending on naps at daycare.  She typically will sleep until around 5 a.m.  I wish we could move past this 9-10 hour mark and more to the 11-12 hour mark.  She eats a whole bottle when she wakes up so I know she is waking up because she is hungry not just fussy.

Feeding:  It saddens me to say that she will not breastfeed anymore.  She throws a fit if I even try.  I am however still pumping and giving her the milk in bottles.  She eats 5-6 ounces 5-6 times per day with 2 solid food meals per day. 

WHEW!!!! Long update!!!! Sorry.  Here are a few recent pics. 

She loves sitting in her highchair like a big girl!

This red teether is her fav!  Thanks Grandma!

All dolled up for school!

My sleeping beauty

She really loves sitting and playing with all her toys

So many toys, what do I choose?

First time sitting up in a cart. Still a little
too hard for her.  She was slumped back by the end.

Showing off the flowers from her and daddy

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Kinley learns to type!

So a few weeks ago while I was at work on a Sunday, I got an interesting email.  Apparently Kinley has learned to use the computer!  I decided to share this letter with everyone.  I am so blessed to have such an amazing husband.  I love Matt!


Daddy fell asleep watching a hunting show so I hacked into his email.

How was your day @ work? Since you had to leave early for work, I didn't think it was fair for Daddy to get to sleep late so I made him get up shortly after you left. I did my circuit training and then had breakfast. I started with a protein shake and then Daddy let me pick what vegetable I wanted. You'd be proud of me I choose green beans. They were yummy. After breakfast I played a little bit more and then took a huge poopie. Why does Daddy pray so much when he changes dirty diapers? He kept saying Oh my god over and over again . 23 wipes later Daddy finally got my diaper changed then I took a nap in my own bed for 25 whole minutes. Daddy most have thought my nap wasn't long enough b/c he kept trying to put me in your bed to sleep some more. What was that fool thinking? Don't worry I showed him who was in charge.

Hey, what's your Skipe password again? I want to talk to G* 2 about my pony......... Oops, it looks like Dad is starting to wake up I better go. See you soon,
