Sunday, November 18, 2012

It's A Party!

Happy 1st Birthday Kinley!

Kinley's Birthday weekend was full of fun and family.  We were so excited that everyone could make it.  Grandma and Grandpa Queen were able to come for 6 days!  Uncle Jordan, Aunt Brittany, Gammy & Granddaddy Telg were also here for 3 days.  It was SO great to have everyone here and we truly appreciate each of them making the trip to celebrate Kinley's birthday with us. 

We had plans to visit the zoo for the first time however the weather did not cooperate.  Instead, we visited the Children's Museum.  Kinley loves it here!  Although this time I think she had more fun watching the people than playing. 

On Saturday, we had Kinley's party.  I have to be honest, after I set everything up  - I just stood there, looking at her pictures from the past year, and cried, cried, cried.  So proud to see her growing into such an amazing girl but so sad that my little baby girl is growing up.  Okay, enough sadness. 

We were really hoping that she would tear into her cake and make a huge mess.  Not so much!  Kinley had no interest in touching the cake and even got a little mad at us when we made her.  So funny.  She did however REALLY enjoy eating her cake IF we fed it to her on a fork.  Silly girl. 

After cake, Kinley got to open all her presents.  Well, really Mommy opened then and Kinley played with them.  THANKS AGAIN FOR ALL THE GREAT PRESENTS!!!!  She absolutely loves her Cozy Coupe, Disney Ride-On, wagon, and her purses.  It is really cute to watch her play with her toys.  Funny how she knows just how to ride/play with each of them even though she has never seen them before. 

Happy Birthday Sweet Girl!  We LOVE you!

Come on Grandpa, let's slide!


Don't worry Daddy, I got this!

Not sure if she was interested in the bubble tubes,
or the people on the other side.

Hi, Grandma, look at these blocks.

We had a picture for every month of her life. 
This is what made me cry.

Are we ready yet?

Mommy & Kinley

Hmmm, not sure about this

Okay, I'll touch it but not too much. 

Yummy!  This is good!

WOW!  Are these all for me?

Thanks Gammy & Granddaddy

Thanks Depenbrocks

This is fun!!!!

Cool, this thing claps and sings!

Nothing like reading in my wagon

Thanks Grandma & Grandpa! 

She LOVES Aunt Britty!

Weee!  This is fun Granddaddy!

Look Gammy, this plays music

Unfortunately, she didn't care for Uncle Jordy holding her

But, Uncle Jordy is okay when Aunt Britty is there. 

Gammy & Granddaddy

Yeah, another ride.  Thanks Grandpa!

Umm, backwards is fun too

Snuggling with Grandma

This is a sign I made for her party. 

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