Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Movin' and Groovin'

Kinley has made some HUGE gains in her motor skills and mobility recently.  She started out with this crawl/scoot.  Too funny!  She crawled on one knee and scooted with the foot of the other leg.  It was hilarious to watch. 

Now, she is crawling all over the place!  We have officially added gates and done all the baby proofing.  She is all over the place and into everything she can get her hands on!  I actually caught her chewing Macy's bone the other day.  She was really mad at me when I said "Not for Kinley" and took it away from her.  Gross!!

Kinley also starting cruising the furniture a little over a week ago!  She moves all over the couches, ottomans, and between furniture.  She tries really hard to reach out and walk between furniture.  So far, she is doing really great at learning when she can reach and when she needs to sit down, crawl, and then stand back up.  Although, she did have another incident at daycare in which she over-estimated herself and fell again.  I swear, this child thinks she can already walk.  She is getting close.  Her balance is improving and she is beginning to test herself by letting go and standing on her own.  So far, she has only made it to 10 seconds.  Before I know it, she is going to be ..... going, going..... GONE! 

Enjoy these videos of her progression.

# 1 - Is this crawling????

#2 - Crawling, Standing, Cruising, Letting Go (sorry it is so long)

Thursday, July 19, 2012

4th of July

This year we went visit our good friends Jason & Angelique and their kids Jalen, Ann Marie, and Drew up near Peru, IL.  Visiting them has become a tradition for us.  We always have so much fun with them.  Until recently, we hadn't seen them since our wedding.  Now, we have seen them twice in a month.  We can hardly believe how much their kids have grown. Crazy how I never feel older yet kids I know suddenly seem so much older than I remember. 

The kids, Jason and Matt included, had fun swimming, shooting, playing games, and entertaining Kinley.  Kinley had so much fun watching all the big kids.   Here are some pics of the weekend.  Thanks again Depenbrocks for a great trip!

Raft wars!

The kids attacked Matt.  He loved it but was exhausted afterwards.

Water bottles make the best toys. 

Happy 4th!

Trying to catch up

Oh where to begin.... I am so far behind now that I don't even know what all we have missed.  So, I will just post few random pics from around 8 months age.

She LOVES her activty table from Uncle Jordy!

Her first battle scar.  She thought she could walk and went down
face first at daycare.  I got a call a work telling me of her accident.
Needless to say, I freaked out  but it wasn't near as bad in person. 

Happy as can be!

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Father's Day 2012

Happy Father's Day Matt!  Kinley and I love you so much!  I knew when I met Matt that he was the perfect man for me.  Even at that, I had no idea just how lucky I was.  He is not only an amazing husband, but is an incredible daddy.  He is so helpful and involved in every aspect of Kinley.  The light in both of their eyes when they are together melts my heart.  She LOVES HER DADDY!!!!  Thank you Matt for being the best husband to me and father to Kinley.  We love you! 

Here are some nature pics from a walk we took on the trails. 
Daddy & Kinley - notice matching camo shorts

Visit Grandma and Grandpa in Illinois

About a month ago (yes, I am that far behind on posts), Kinley and I took a trip just the two of us to visit Grandma & Grandpa in Illinois.  We stayed for 6 days!  It was so nice to have that much time to visit with each other.  I got to introduce her to a my friends Darren and Julie from high school.  She also got to hang out with all of my cousins, aunts, uncles, and her great-grandpa again.  I was so great to see everyone! 

G2 wanted to take Kinley to the park for her first time on a swing.  Not sure what she thought about it.  I think G2 and I had more fun with it than she did. 

Kinley & Great-Grandpa Bill -
Taking each other in

Riding her 1st "pony"

Faster, faster, G2


Hummm, slide again.....

The swing was a little scary -
not very safe

Kinley likes to people watch at the airport just as much as I do

Matt, my amazing husband, had this waiting for us at home. 
What a great man!