Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Movin' and Groovin'

Kinley has made some HUGE gains in her motor skills and mobility recently.  She started out with this crawl/scoot.  Too funny!  She crawled on one knee and scooted with the foot of the other leg.  It was hilarious to watch. 

Now, she is crawling all over the place!  We have officially added gates and done all the baby proofing.  She is all over the place and into everything she can get her hands on!  I actually caught her chewing Macy's bone the other day.  She was really mad at me when I said "Not for Kinley" and took it away from her.  Gross!!

Kinley also starting cruising the furniture a little over a week ago!  She moves all over the couches, ottomans, and between furniture.  She tries really hard to reach out and walk between furniture.  So far, she is doing really great at learning when she can reach and when she needs to sit down, crawl, and then stand back up.  Although, she did have another incident at daycare in which she over-estimated herself and fell again.  I swear, this child thinks she can already walk.  She is getting close.  Her balance is improving and she is beginning to test herself by letting go and standing on her own.  So far, she has only made it to 10 seconds.  Before I know it, she is going to be ..... going, going..... GONE! 

Enjoy these videos of her progression.

# 1 - Is this crawling????

#2 - Crawling, Standing, Cruising, Letting Go (sorry it is so long)

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