Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Visit Grandma and Grandpa in Illinois

About a month ago (yes, I am that far behind on posts), Kinley and I took a trip just the two of us to visit Grandma & Grandpa in Illinois.  We stayed for 6 days!  It was so nice to have that much time to visit with each other.  I got to introduce her to a my friends Darren and Julie from high school.  She also got to hang out with all of my cousins, aunts, uncles, and her great-grandpa again.  I was so great to see everyone! 

G2 wanted to take Kinley to the park for her first time on a swing.  Not sure what she thought about it.  I think G2 and I had more fun with it than she did. 

Kinley & Great-Grandpa Bill -
Taking each other in

Riding her 1st "pony"

Faster, faster, G2


Hummm, slide again.....

The swing was a little scary -
not very safe

Kinley likes to people watch at the airport just as much as I do

Matt, my amazing husband, had this waiting for us at home. 
What a great man!

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