Monday, March 4, 2013

15 Month Checck Up

Once again I am way behind on my posts.  Kinley is now 16 months old however I still haven't posted her 15 month stats from her check up.  Oops!

We had her check up on 1/30/13.  I have to say that this was one of the hardest check ups yet.  She had to receive shots again.  In the past she was much easier to hold down.  Now, she screams bloody murder like she knows what is coming and we are holding her down with all we have.  It was heart wrenching.  I am absolutely not looking forward to more shots as she gets older.  SO sad.  In addition to this, the doctor brought up concerns with her speech, her weight, and her ears.  Turns out Kinley had yet another ear infection (this time I had no idea and I felt horrible).  So, we decided it was finally time to visit with an ENT for tubes.  I am not sure why her weight was an issue but the doctor wanted me to get her to eat more.  Yeah, right!  Don't they know toddlers are picky?!?  And then her speech.... I knew she was behind but we have been working on it.  She definitely understands everything we say to her but has a hard time telling us what she wants.

Okay, time for some updates.  Kinley has changed so much in the past few months.  She continues to show us her amazing personality.  She is typically a very happy, goofy, and smiling little girl who loves to have fun.  However, she has really started throwing a LOT of fits lately (this includes a screaching scream).  I honestly think some of this is because she doesn't have the communication to tell us what she wants.  So, we are working on behaviors and have started time outs.  I used to have to hold her down for these but now she will just sit there until I tell her to get up. 

She is walking super fast and has even begun "running" somewhat.  SO cute!  She has mastered stairs and is attempting to climb on anything she can. This girl has no fear what so ever.  Not sure this is a good thing. 

Here are her stats:

Height: 31" (63%)
Weight: 22 lbs 12.4 oz (68%)
HC: 47 cm (82%)

Food: She is super picky and thus we are having a hard time.  One day she likes something and the next day she won't.  Go figure.  Currently, her favorite foods are crackers and cheese.  I can't hardly get her to eat veggies anymore (except peas).  The only time she will eat bananas is at Target.  Weird

Clothes: She is wearing size 18 month clothing.  Size 5 shoes.  Size 3 diapers

Words:  Hi, Duck, Momma, Dad, More, Snack (nac), and Night-Night (ni-ni).  She can make animal noises for : cow, duck, pig, lion, bear, monkey, and kitty.  She does a lot of pointing and makes random noises to get her needs across.  We work daily on making sounds, copying faces, etc.  I feel like she is slowly making gains and am hoping that after tubes her speaking will really take off. 

Favorite Play Things: She LOVES reading books and will sit with us and read book after book.  One night we read 10!  She also really loves playing with her baby dolls.  Kinley will put them to bed, cover them up, hug/kiss them, and feed them.  She is still loving playing in her kitchen and cooking food. 

My Favs: Hugs & Kisses!  She is really into giving hugs and kisses lately.  LOVE IT!  Although sometimes she likes to be silly and shake her head "no" when you ask for a kiss. 

Here are a few more random pics from lately.

Talking to Gammy on the phone.  Too cute - she was intent on listening

Loving her new coat so of course needed the boots on

She has been really into wearing her NYE hat lately

Playing at the mall playground

Pudding painting!

Not sure about it initially

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