Monday, March 4, 2013

President's Weekend in KC

Over President's Day this year we drove down to KC to meet up with my parents.  It is about 5 hours for them and 3 for us so works as a good meeting place.  Plus, we love and miss KC so works even better for us.  We stayed in a hotel in Overland Park which worked out great because we were so close to everything and had a suite. 

We did lots of fun things on this trip.  It was Kinley's first visit to the new Aquarium in KC.  She really liked it.  It was interesting watching her walk around and point out all the fish.  I love watching her explore and learn!  We also took a trip up to The Legends for some well deserved shopping for Mommy thanks to a great b-day gift from Kinley and Matt.  Yeah!  Plus, Grandma & Grandpa babysat one night so we could meet up with Dan, Lisa, Dary, Christy, and Elliott to go to Blue Koi (our favorite restaurant).  It was so nice to see our friends again and felt as if we had never left.  We miss you guys!

Enjoy the pics

Wake up Grandma & Grandpa - I'm ready!

Look - fish!

Okay Grandma, what is next?

Look at this one Grandma

Touching the starfish

Grandpa - look at these fish!

More starfish

Wow! A stingray!

She is too busy looking at fish to smile

Huh, what's that?

Our horrible attempt at a family photo.  Oh well


Kinley loved these tunnels


Let's check this out, Mom

Burning off some energy while shopping

Practicing her balance beam skills

Humm... I think I want to take my shirt off now

Enjoying Jazz - another favorite

Going out with Grandma & Grandpa

Yep, she LOVES to be naked

And, it's off!  Smile!

So happy to be naked

3 Generations

Waiting for dinner

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