Sunday, September 30, 2012

Visit with KC friends

This weekend we had an amazing visit with our KC friends.  The Schonhoffs (Dan, Lisa, Kylie (2 1/2), and Gavin (18 mos?) and the Colwells (Jeremy, Kelly, and Kinsley (13 months)) came up for Kansas City to visit for the weekend.  The guys and Kelly all went to the Nebraska vs. Wisconsin football game in Lincoln while Lisa and I stayed home with the kids.  It was so much fun!  Kinley absolutely loves being around other kids and was in pure heaven to have so many friends to play with. 

Saturday morning before the game, Lisa and I took Kylie, Gavin, and Kinley to Valas Pumpkin Patch and met up with Lisa's friend Lis and her 2 kids Elias(2) and May(3 mos).  It was awesome!  The place was huge.  We were there for 2.5 hours and probably only saw 1/4 of it.  We did the petting zoo, train ride, played on a wooden train playset, slides, corn pit, and pony rides.  Kinley wanted NOTHING to do with the pony rides and screamed until I took her off.  She lasted about 2 minutes.  The other kids liked it though and she enjoyed watching them.  She also did not care for the petting zoo/feeding the animals.  She just continously shook her head "no" when I tried to get her to do it.  Kinley did however LOVE the playground, corn pit, slides, and train ride.  We are definitely going to have to come back to this place.

Later that day, we hung out at the house with all 4 kids.  They all had SO much fun playing with each other.  It was interesting to watch 4 kids ages 2&under running around the house.  Kinley really starting walking more this weekend because she was watching all the other kids.  It was so funny because Kinley kept chasing Kinsley around the house.  Kinsely is such a fast walker and Kinley couldn't keep up.  She kept looking at her and then back to me like "Mom, I want to play with her.....". 

Sunday, before Dan & Lisa hit the road, we took the kids to the park.  Again, Kinley LOVED playing with her friends.  She gets such a kick out of standing on the equipment and swinging with Kylie. 

It was so great to visit with all of our friends.  I miss them SO much!  Hopefully we can get together again SOON!!!!

Enjoy the pics!

Testing the corn out - hmmmm

Okay, this stuff is alright

Wow, this is cool!

Kinley's first train ride!

Pumpkin pose!

My little pumpkin

This train is so fun

Look Gavin!


Smiling with mommy

Well, I came down it - why can't I go up it?

Mom, don't tell G2... but I HATE this pony!


Kinley was very interested in Kinsley

Look, you can put the pieces in here....

Let's play some music together.  It was funny watching all 3
trying to climb on the bench at once!

Snack time!

Gavin really liked Kinley's oranges.  She then decided to steal his mac & cheese!

Looking for the puppy

Where did the puppy go?

She loved the swing

Yeah, Daddy!  Push me higher!

Walking to Daddy in the playground

Kinley and Kylie loved swinging together!

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Sept 9!!!

Kinley took her first steps on Sept 9th.  It was one of my happiest moments as a mommy.  I am so proud of her.  Yet, I can't believe that our little girl is growing up so fast. 

So, Matt was getting ready to fly out to TX for business so he and I were just laying on the floor watching Kinley play.  Next thing you know, she starts walking towards us.  We both instantly froze and just watched her with awe.  She proceeded to take 5 steps!  Yes, that's right .... 5 STEPS!  And, she looked like she has just been walking her whole life.  Didn't have her arms out wide or look too wobbly.  It was ADORABLE!!! 

We are going to try our best to get a video ASAP so that everyone can watch. 


Labor Day 2012

Grandma and Grandpa came to visit over Labor Day weekend.  This weekend was also Matt's birthday weekend and my dad's birthday weekend so we had lots to celebrate.  It was so great to see them.  Kinley and I picked them up from the airport holding a sign "Grandma & Grandpa".  We got lots of "oohs and ahhs" for that one from strangers.  I think my parents really liked it.  Grandma took pics but of course her phone messed up so we did mock pics later from the house.  Oh well. 

Grandpa hadn't seen Kinley in around 2 months so he was soaking her up!  Kinley had SO much fun with Grandpa & Grandma.  She showed them all her tricks and enjoyed playing with them.  I am not sure who enjoyed playing more... her or them.  Probably a push. 

One afternoon, we went to the Omaha Children's Museum.  Kinley ABSOLUTELY LOVED IT!  There were all kinds of climbing mats, toys, and other kids to watch. Grandma and I thought it was amazing.  The boys liked it for a while but I think got a little tired after 2 hours of it.  They took power naps in the playroom.  Too cute!  The museum is wonderful!  I can't wait to do all the fun activities they offer with Kinley when she gets big enough.  What a great place! 

One evening, Grandma & Grandpa stayed home with Kinley so that Matt and I could have a much needed date night.  THANKS SO MUCH!!!  We had a nice dinner/drinks while they stayed home and did dinner/ baths/and bed.  Kinley worked them a little bit and figured out how to whine so that Grandpa would let her stay up later.  We are in trouble if she is already figuring out how to work them.  Ha!   

It was a great visit and we can't wait to see Grandma & Grandpa again soon!  Love you so much!

Look at all these blocks and mats!

She really liked the teter toter thing


Look Grandpa- this is fun!

Grandma, want to play?

Okay, Grandpa, I will play with you.

Loving opening Grandpa's present.

More interested in tissue paper than pictures

Grandma enjoying bottle time

This is our re-take of the sign from the airport

Waving "bye bye"

My first weekend away

So right before Labor Day, I took my first trip away from Kinley.  I met up with my friends Wendy, Lisa, Christy, Kelly Colwell, and Kelly Carlson in KC and we all went down to Wendy's parent's lake house in Lake of Ozarks, MO.  The day before the trip I was so worked up and nervous that I almost backed out.  I am so thankful to Wendy for talking me through it and helping me feel better. 

I knew Matt was going to do fine because he is an amazing Daddy.  I just couldn't bear the thought of being away from my baby girl.  I cried for probably 20 minutes when I dropped her off at daycare that day.  Yeah, yeah, I know I am a big baby.  Then I jammed out to my music (and cried periodically) the whole way to KC.  Once I was there though, I was fine.

We had SO much fun and am so very happy that I went.  I love Kinley more than anything in the world but it was nice to have fun with my friends.  I had all these big thoughts of sleeping in... news flash still doesn't happen - all of us moms there were up early every day because our internal alarms were going off.  Oh well. 

Matt (of course) did amazing.  I am so glad that he and Kinley got some much needed bonding time. He was awesome and sent me several pics each day.  Plus, I talked to her at least twice each day.  Man, he is a great man.  No wonder she loves her daddy so much. 

Thanks girls for a great trip!  Looking forward to the next one! 

Random 10 month pics

Shopping at Sams with Daddy

Just playing my music.  She loves this toy!

Hmmm, I think I need more toys!

This is one good tomato!  Matt said she took bites from several. Ha!

Just playing

Already loves accessorizing!

This balloon is WAY fun!

Nothing is more fun than baths

This is how she was dressed when I picked her up from school.
No pants and a boy's shirt!  Went through 2 outfits prior.

Baby Jail!

Road trip to KC

Kinley and I recently took a road trip to KC to meet Grandma for the weekend!  It was a nice meeting spot since we both love KC so much.  Plus, Grandma was missing her little girl so much that she just couldn't wait till Labor Day to see her.  We did a lot of shopping and Kinley hung it pretty well.  Grandma was even nice enough to babysit one night so I could meet up with with my friends for a night out.  Thanks Grandma!  Here are some pics of that weekend. 

Not feeling this pic right now, mom

Loves her Grandma
