Sunday, September 30, 2012

Visit with KC friends

This weekend we had an amazing visit with our KC friends.  The Schonhoffs (Dan, Lisa, Kylie (2 1/2), and Gavin (18 mos?) and the Colwells (Jeremy, Kelly, and Kinsley (13 months)) came up for Kansas City to visit for the weekend.  The guys and Kelly all went to the Nebraska vs. Wisconsin football game in Lincoln while Lisa and I stayed home with the kids.  It was so much fun!  Kinley absolutely loves being around other kids and was in pure heaven to have so many friends to play with. 

Saturday morning before the game, Lisa and I took Kylie, Gavin, and Kinley to Valas Pumpkin Patch and met up with Lisa's friend Lis and her 2 kids Elias(2) and May(3 mos).  It was awesome!  The place was huge.  We were there for 2.5 hours and probably only saw 1/4 of it.  We did the petting zoo, train ride, played on a wooden train playset, slides, corn pit, and pony rides.  Kinley wanted NOTHING to do with the pony rides and screamed until I took her off.  She lasted about 2 minutes.  The other kids liked it though and she enjoyed watching them.  She also did not care for the petting zoo/feeding the animals.  She just continously shook her head "no" when I tried to get her to do it.  Kinley did however LOVE the playground, corn pit, slides, and train ride.  We are definitely going to have to come back to this place.

Later that day, we hung out at the house with all 4 kids.  They all had SO much fun playing with each other.  It was interesting to watch 4 kids ages 2&under running around the house.  Kinley really starting walking more this weekend because she was watching all the other kids.  It was so funny because Kinley kept chasing Kinsley around the house.  Kinsely is such a fast walker and Kinley couldn't keep up.  She kept looking at her and then back to me like "Mom, I want to play with her.....". 

Sunday, before Dan & Lisa hit the road, we took the kids to the park.  Again, Kinley LOVED playing with her friends.  She gets such a kick out of standing on the equipment and swinging with Kylie. 

It was so great to visit with all of our friends.  I miss them SO much!  Hopefully we can get together again SOON!!!!

Enjoy the pics!

Testing the corn out - hmmmm

Okay, this stuff is alright

Wow, this is cool!

Kinley's first train ride!

Pumpkin pose!

My little pumpkin

This train is so fun

Look Gavin!


Smiling with mommy

Well, I came down it - why can't I go up it?

Mom, don't tell G2... but I HATE this pony!


Kinley was very interested in Kinsley

Look, you can put the pieces in here....

Let's play some music together.  It was funny watching all 3
trying to climb on the bench at once!

Snack time!

Gavin really liked Kinley's oranges.  She then decided to steal his mac & cheese!

Looking for the puppy

Where did the puppy go?

She loved the swing

Yeah, Daddy!  Push me higher!

Walking to Daddy in the playground

Kinley and Kylie loved swinging together!

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