Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Texas Travels

During mid-August, Matt, Kinley, and I all made a trip down to Texas.  This was Kinley's first time to meet her Aunt Jenny, Aunt Sabrina, Uncle Josh, and her cousins Cadence, Savannah, Morgan, and Wyatt.  We had such a good trip.  I was a little nervous because the flight was much longer than she had done before (just over 2 hours on the longest leg) and we had a long layover.  Once again though, Kinley surprised me and did great!  The only interesting part was attempting to have meals in the airport without a highchair.  It was a little messy. 

Our trip was great!  Ken and Peggy are finally back to Bryan/College Station and have a wonderful new house.  Kinley was SOOOO excited to see Gammy and Granddaddy again.  Ken hadn't seen Kinley in person since she was about 6 weeks old so needless to say he was surprised at how much she has grown.  Man, did she love her Granddaddy and I think it is safe to say the love was mutual. 

Aunt Jenny, Cadence, and Savannah were there all weekend and we had a ton of fun hanging out with them.  They have grown so much since we have seen them.  Crazy.  Those girls are great and were so helpful and loving to "baby Kinley".  Kinley and the girls went to the pool both days.  Kinley HATED ever second that she was in the water.  She had more fun sitting under the cabana and sneaking Chili Cheese Fritos behind my back with Savannah.  (it was adorable -when I told Savannah that baby Kinley couldn't eat those she said "but she likes them!).  Unfortunately, I was horrible at taking pictures and somehow didn't get a pic with Aunt Jenny. 

Uncle Josh was in and out and Kinley did really well with him.  Aunt Sabrina came for a few hours on one afternoon.  It was so great to have Morgan and Wyatt get to see Kinley.  Again, those kiddos have grown so much.  So big now.  Morgan was amazing with Kinley.  She is such a loving little girl. 

One evening all of Matt's friends from grade/high school, their wives and kids came over for a BBQ.  I was so happy that Matt got to spend time with them and it was nice to catch up.  Kinley LOVED hanging out with the other babies who were just a few months older than her. 

Again, we had a great visit.  Hope it isn't that long before we visit Texas again! 

This is fun!

"Cadence, I think I'll take that please"

Hanging under the cabana - thanks for the cap Granddaddy

Go Aggies!

Playing with Morgan and Wyatt


Loving her Gammy and Granddaddy

Say Cheese!

Our poor attempt at a family shot. 

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