Wednesday, September 12, 2012

My first weekend away

So right before Labor Day, I took my first trip away from Kinley.  I met up with my friends Wendy, Lisa, Christy, Kelly Colwell, and Kelly Carlson in KC and we all went down to Wendy's parent's lake house in Lake of Ozarks, MO.  The day before the trip I was so worked up and nervous that I almost backed out.  I am so thankful to Wendy for talking me through it and helping me feel better. 

I knew Matt was going to do fine because he is an amazing Daddy.  I just couldn't bear the thought of being away from my baby girl.  I cried for probably 20 minutes when I dropped her off at daycare that day.  Yeah, yeah, I know I am a big baby.  Then I jammed out to my music (and cried periodically) the whole way to KC.  Once I was there though, I was fine.

We had SO much fun and am so very happy that I went.  I love Kinley more than anything in the world but it was nice to have fun with my friends.  I had all these big thoughts of sleeping in... news flash still doesn't happen - all of us moms there were up early every day because our internal alarms were going off.  Oh well. 

Matt (of course) did amazing.  I am so glad that he and Kinley got some much needed bonding time. He was awesome and sent me several pics each day.  Plus, I talked to her at least twice each day.  Man, he is a great man.  No wonder she loves her daddy so much. 

Thanks girls for a great trip!  Looking forward to the next one! 

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