Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Easter Weekend 2013

This Easter, our good friends the Depenbrocks came from LaSalle, IL to visit.  Jason, Angelique, Jalen, Ann Marie, and Drew all made the 6 hour trip to visit with us during their spring break weekend.  Thanks guys!  We had so much fun visiting.  It was such a beautiful weekend and we were able to have lots of fun outside.  We visited the Omaha Zoo, Fontenelle Forest, and had an Easter egg hunt.

All the kids (and adults) really enjoyed the zoo.  The tigers had recently had cubs so that was really cool to see.  Also, we got the see one of the gorillas kick the glass and beat his chest a few times.  We brought the wagon to pull Kinley around in however she insisted on walking on her own most of the time.  She pretty much would stay in the wagon unless Drew or Ann Marie was in there with her. 

We had never been to Fontenelle Forest before and it was really cool.  They have a wooden path walking trail that weaves throughout the forest.  During the walk Jason and I heard a turkey tom gobble nearby.  This inspired Jason and Matt to download turkey calling apps on their phones and try to call him in.  Surprisingly in worked and called in 2 additional toms.  So cool to have them that close and not really care that we were standing there. 

On Easter Sunday, we were all surprised to see that the Easter Bunny had come overnight and left eggs hidden inside and outside for all the kids.  He was even nice enough to leave a note for the bigger kids asking them to please leave some eggs for Kinley.  The Depenbrock kids were all so good about helping Kinley.  In fact, the girls wanted to give Kinley almost all their candy.  I had to kindly tell them that that wasn't necessary.  Sweet kids!

Enjoying the Zoo

Hmmm - What's in there?

Ann Marie decided she wanted to pull Matt in the wagon

About 2 steps in, she decides to push.  Uphill!

Love those Depenbrock kids!

Just taking a drink break

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I love how terrifed Drew looks

What should we see next?

Kinley loved playing in the water

Our best attempt at a group picture

Family pic!

Kinley kept trying to run back to the water when it was time to leave.
Daddy kept having to go get her. 

As you can see she wasn't happy about having to leave the water

The adults drink break after a long zoo day
The girls took turns pushing K through the trails

Kinley insisted on trying to climb this however refused to help.

And now, mad that she is at the top and not still on the ropes

Strike a pose!

Still mad that she wasn't still on the ropes

Awesome turkey that came in when the guys called it

So happy to be walking alone on the trails


Kinley really enjoyed hunting her Easter eggs

Ann Marie was so patient with Kinley as she got her eggs

Wow!  Another one

Now Drew comes to help.  Those girls were great with Kinley

Look at all my eggs Mom


Now time to open all those eggs

Kinley was anxious to eat the candy inside.  Guess she couldn't wait to open it

This is what happens when you fall asleep in a house full of girls!

She was worn out after a long weekend. 
Also recovering from a fever the night before.

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