Sunday, April 14, 2013

Kinley's Easter Present

So for some reason, Kinley has been really into Ducks lately.  She always points at them in books and says "duck".  She doesn't have many words and somehow "duck" is one of them.  So, Matt decided he wanted to get her some ducks for Easter.  Why?  I have NO IDEA!   We ended up getting 5 ducks.  Two for us (they have to have at least one friend) and three for our friends the Depenbrocks.  We decided it would be fun to give each of their kids one so that Jason would have to drive 6 hours back home with ducks in the car.  Ha! I will say though that Kinley really liked them.  And they are cute!  I never thought that taking care of a duck would be something I could say I have done but, as all you moms know, you would do anything for your kids.  We'll see how long this lasts though. 

We ended up keeping the 2 yellow ducks.

Don't they look cute?


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