Saturday, April 13, 2013

Various Updates

This past month has been busy for us.  Kinley has also had a few firsts and some changes.

 On Friday, March 22, 2013, KINLEY HAD HER FIRST KISS!  This is a day that I will forever remember.  I wasn't sure whether to laugh, cry, or get upset.  I was picking her up from school and a boy named Braden, and girl Addie and Kinley were all standing near eachother playing.  Addie walked over and kissed Braden.  I joked to the teachers that they had better watch out because there was a romance budding.  Next thing I knew, Kinley walked up to him and gave him a BIG kiss ON THE LIPS!  I immediately said "Oh, you just wait till I tell your Daddy".  She just looked at me and smiled.  It was the cutest thing ever.  The funny thing is that this is the same boy that bit her a few months ago.  I guess she has forgiven him.  :)

On Monday, March 25, 2013 Kinley got tubes placed in both ears.  We had to check into Children's Hospital at 6:10 a.m. and weren't allowed to give K anything to drink until after surgery at 8:00.  I thought she would struggle with this but she did great.  The hospital had a large play area for the kids and she loved playing with all the new toys.  I was so scared when they took her away since I know she doesn't really like strangers.  But she did great.  Surgery went well and only took about 15 minutes.   Anesthesia however was not so great.  She was super angry when she woke up and was pretty much inconsolable for about 30-40 minutes.  It was breaking my heart.  After a long nap though she did fine.  So far, I think the tubes are really helping.  She has about 5-6 new words since getting her tubes.  Doesn't sound like much but we are excited because that pretty much doubled her words.  Her speech continues to be delayed but we are working on it and I am hopeful that the tubes will continue to help as well. 

Random updates - Kinley continues to love shoes and loves being naked.  She is becoming very independent and starting to want to dress herself instead of us dressing her. 

Enjoy some pics!

Giving Minnie some snacks

Watching some tv - pretty sure Matt was watching Swamp people
or something silly like that.

Barely fits under this table anymore

So, she took her shirt off in order to figure out how to get it back on

We were on the way home from surgery.  She crashed within
minutes of getting in the car.  Needed her baby though.

Oh boy!  A little messy after eating a smores treat.

Driving the firetruck at the Children's Museum.

For some reason she loves this NYE hat.


Kinley insisted on wearing her coat and hat.  Put them on herself!

NAKED TIME!  K ran down the hall after bath and put on her hat.
Trying to get on her coat too.  Guess she was cold?!?

Had to show this because you can see her cute little booty

Her new lounging position

This is a new nightly routine.  She brings Matt every
pair of shoes she has and wants to put them all on. 
Guess she really loves her shoes!

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