Sunday, June 16, 2013

18 month check up

Since I am yet again really far behind I am just going to give a brief update of stats from Kinley's 18 month visit.  Sorry baby girl!

Height: 31.5" (40.3%)
Weight: 24 lbs 8 oz (71%)
HC: 48 cm (88%)

Basically my sweet girl went from tall and skinny to short and chubby. Ha! Ha! Just kidding.  I guess she didn't grow much in height but caught up on the weight that the doctor had told us to do. 

Clothes: She is still in 18 month clothes (now in 24/2T) however they are beginning to get snug.

Diapers: She is transitioning to size 4.  We are hoping to start Potty Training soon as she did use the potty once.  I think it was coincidence though because she hasn't done it since.  We have a trip to TX in late June.  Once we get back from that we are going full speed ahead on potty training.

Food: She is a picky eater right now and typically only eats 1-2 good meals a day.  She is also only interested in "toddler" food so we are working hard on getting away from that processed and kiddy food.  Hard because she loves it.  She continues to LOVE yogurt, crackers, cheese, and avocados. 

Development: She is crazy fast in her mobility and runs around all over the place.  She is climbing onto anything that she can.  We have done a lot with painting and coloring and of course the OT in me loves that she typically has the correct grasp.  :-) Her speech continues to be a bit behind but we have noticed a HUGE difference since getting tubes.  She is copying more and more and saying new words everyday.  I am sure she will be caught up before we know it.

Enjoy some random 18 month pics!

Loves working out with Mommy & Daddy

Visiting the Zoo with Aunt Mariah

Sleeping Beauty

I want more icecream!  She was trying to lick the last bit
out of the bottom.  Too funny!


YUM!  She loves Orange Leaf!

Finally taking an interest in bows again.  Thank goodness!

Just riding my trike!

Cheese!  She loves stroller rides.  In fact, she
put herself in here to try to get me to take her.

Daddy's hat on her head and daddy's boxers as a shirt. 
Yep, that's our girl!

Climbing at the mall children's area

Ribbit, ribbit

She has NO fear - climbs anything she can

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