Sunday, June 16, 2013

19 months

Kinley continues to amaze us everyday!  She has developed quite the little personality.  Unfortunately for Matt and I she is more stubborn than the 2 of us combined.  Poor girl didn't stand a chance.  She is also one of the sweetest and silliest kids.  There is nothing I love more than hearing her laugh.  Our sweet girl has also gotten really good at hugs, kisses, and "daddy pats" (she pats us on the back).  She also says "cheese" whenever we take her picture.  Too cute! 

One of her favorite things to do is brush her teeth.  Some days we brush them 5-6 times.  She still loves playing with her babies and will put them to bed, feed them, rock them, pat their backs, and push them around in the stroller.  She also loves reading books. Being outside is one of her favorite things to do too.  It is so funny how the girl who gets upset if she gets dirty inside will get filthy outside and not care. 

Matt has taught her how to do "bumps" and she loves it.  He also taught her "high five, in the hole, too slow".  She thinks that is the funniest thing ever!  Some mornings she will wake up and walk around looking for Matt to do bumps.  Of course, she won't give them to me unless she has given them to Matt first.  Loves her daddy! 

Kinley has really made a TON of progress on her words.  She is up to 38 words now and I am sure there are some that we have missed.  Here is her list: mom, dad, more, yeah, hi, duck, mine, no (which she uses WAY too much), ouch, ball, bow, hot, thank you, hush, night night, uh oh, light, up, done, aggie, help, snack, shoe, bowl, that, bye bye, cheese, want, bump, please, macy, bubbles, teeth, hat, brrr, boom, mi-mi (Gammy) and pah-pa (for Grandpa).  We had her speech evaluated by an Early Childhood team and a Speech Therapist and they weren't worried since she understood EVERYTHING we say.  At that time she had 26 words and within a few weeks has added many more.  She copies more and more everyday.  We are really having to watch our words and the words of those around us. 

Kinley, we LOVE you SOOO much!  Thank you for being such an amazing girl!

Trying on my new shirt from Grandma

Playing football with Daddy

Enjoying the day with chalk and bubbles

"Stripping" in the waiting room of an office 

Getting ready to go have ice cream

And after ice cream her shirt is filthy.  Good thing she is so cute!

Finally tall enough to use her stool from Uncle Jordy
& Aunt Britt to brush her teeth

We love our self portraits

Our little monkey at the zoo.  She insists on walking and won't hold
our hands so this is our new solution.  Yep, I am officially one of those moms.


She LOVES that hat

She insisted on wearing her coat (it was 65 degrees out)
and putting it on herself.  Notice it is upside down

She crawled up here and covered herself up. 
Strangely the news was on. Boring

Riding motorcycles at the park

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Trying to get a pic of piggy tails.  Silly face when I said "cheese"

Snoozing in the car with her football

She LOVES corn on the cob!  Too cute to watch her eat it

Grandma got her a personalized towel for our TX beach trip.
She carries it around like a blanket. 

Licking the bowl to get every last drop of yogurt

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