Sunday, June 16, 2013

Father's Day 2013

Happy Father's Day Matt!  Kinley and I want to thank you for being an amazing daddy and a wonderful husband.  We love you so much and are so thankful to have you in our lives.  Can't wait to celebrate many more Father's Days with you. 

Kinley and Mommy made breakfast for Daddy this morning.  Then we all went to the Wildlife Safari Park.  It has a drive through safari and hiking trails.  Kinley loved sitting up front on Matt's lap to look at animals.  She made daddy proud by being a good spotter.  :-)  We got to see elk, bison, cranes, swan, pelicans, bald eagles, turkeys, wolves, bears, and goats.  The staff just happened to be feeding the wolves when we were there so we got to see them up really close.  Kinley really enjoyed looking at all the animals.  She got to pet the goats, sit on the tractor, and climb some rocks.  We finished off the afternoon with a picnic.  Later we went to dinner and then came home for dessert and playing outside.  It was so fun to have a good day as a family.  We wore Kinley out!

Like Father, Like Daughter.....  Kinley could not possibly look more like her daddy!

Here are the pics from the Safari Park
Checking out the observation tower

Looking for wolves with Daddy

Huh?  What's this

Trying to pet the baby goats

Trying to pet it or show it who is king of the mountain?

Taking a closer look of the baby goat. She loved them!

Hanging from some elk antlers

Driving the tractor

Picnic lunch under a shade tree

These elk were like 15 feet from the car. SO COOL!

This is from the restaurant table

She loves riding her trike

Kinley is one stylin' girl!

Tired of riding so she pulls it.

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