Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Telg Family Vacation

This year we resumed the annual TELG FAMILY VACATION!!!!  Ken & Peggy rented a beach house outside of Sargent, Texas.  Our views were beautiful!  The back of the house over looked the intercoastal waterway and the front looked out over the beach and Gulf.  The entire family was able to come and it was a wonderful time.  Ken, Peggy, Matt & I, Kinley, Jenny & Terrance, Cadence & Savannah, Sabrina, Morgan & Wyatt, Josh, and Amy & Madison were all able to come visit.  I thought it was going to be crazy having all of us in one house but it was super fun!  We are so very thankful to Ken & Peggy for everything they did to make this trip happen. 

We started off the trip a little rough as when we showed up at Omaha airport they told us our flight was full and we were being re-routed to STL.  The flight to STL left in 5 minutes and we would have a 7 hour layover.  Yikes!  Luckily my mom was able to come pick us up so that we were able to get out of the airport for a while.  Kinley enjoyed seeing Grandma for a while.  They took a train ride and played in the mall for a while.  Thanks mom for making our layover so much better!

At first, Kinley was scared of the beach and didn't want anything to do with it. But by the 2nd time out she loved it.  She really enjoyed playing in the sand and then running out to the water to wash off.  She never really became enjoyed the waves or water splashing up on her but she did like wading out to knee height and wave "jumping" in my arms. 

Kinley had a blast playing with all the older kids.  She especially took a liking to Morgan.  It was adorable because she would do anything as long as Morgan was doing it with her.  Adorable!  The kids played on the slide, had watermelon fights, went fishing, and did arts & crafts with Gammy daily.  Kinley fit right in!  It was so nice to watch her interact with all the kids and all of them were so good with her.  Plus, she gained about 10 new words during that short trip.  Amazing what being around big kids will do. 

We had such an amazing trip and can't wait till next year! 

Kinley & Daddy had fun making faces during our STL layover


Monkey see, monkey do

This is my favorite one!

Kinley sitting in a "big girl" seat in Grandma's car

So happy to be out of the airport

Ready for a train ride.  CHOO CHOO! 

Cheesin' with a blue sucker in her mouth

So excited to be riding the bus

Driving just like Grandpa does

Time for arts & crafts

She was so interested in learing from the big kids

Bubble time!

How cute is this with the girls lined up on the stairs?

Cadence caught a good fish with Jenny

Matt was the all time fishing helper

And another fish for Cadence

Matt enjoyed helping Wyatt fish

Love this!  Matt gave the girls dead fish as a "prize" for the fishing contest.

Trying to figure out what the sand and seaweed were

Super model Morgan

Cheesin' with Mommy

Love my baby girl!

Morgan was so good with helping Kinley in the water

Wow!  This is fun!

Look at these beauties!

Helping Cadence make mud pies

Sabrina & Morgan

Come on daddy, let's play

Working on another sand bucket

Savannah found some really cool sea shells

Loved playing with Morgan

My two favorite people



This is true cousin love!

Love this shot

Washing off with daddy

Playing with Morgan again

Enjoyed all the toys

These silly girls loved being pulled up the waves

Helping with the sand castle

My beautifull girl

Braving the water on her own

Not scared anymore

Helping Savannah search for shells under water

Gammy joined the rafting fun


More arts & crafts with Gammy

Love how Kinley just sat down nicely in the circle

Yum, yogurt

Dance party!

Kinley's dance moves!

Matt tackled Savannah for a flip

Matt got stuck doing push-ups with the girls on his back

Love how Kinley had to join in on the Daddy attack

Mmmm, good

Wyatt gets attacked during dance party

Kinley slept in one morning with us!

Guess she was ready for nap.
 She went to lay down with Morgan

Too cute!

Granddaddy got attacked by ice water and the hose!

Family photo

Waiting in the airport.  Such a happy girl!

Look at that pose!

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