Wednesday, February 29, 2012

4 month stats

I can't believe my baby is 4 months old!  Time has gone by way too fast.  Kinley had her 4 month doctor's visit today (just 3 days past her 4 month birthday).   I ended up going with a doctor's group associated with Omaha Children's Hospital.  We really liked her doctor.  Kinley had to get several shots and she was a trooper.  I timed her feeding out to be around her appt time so I could feed her immediately after her shots.  These seems to work great.  She is a little more fussy than normal so we are keeping up on Tylenol to help her. 

She is looking at Macy here.  She LOVES her.  It is so cute to watch her face light up around Macy. 
They are going to be good friends.  I have a feeling they will fight over toys though!

At 4 months Kinley is....

25 inches long (76.45%)
14 lbs. 5.4 oz (65.21 %)
HC is 42.4 cm (84.58%)

She is currently wearing 3-6 month sleepers and 0-3 month clothes. 

She is in size 2 diapers.

She is currently eating 4-6 oz (mixed breastmilk and formula) per feeding every 3-4 hours.  She still nurses 1-3 times a day dependent on where we are and what we are doing.  We have not started cereal or baby foods yet.  The doctor recommended I wait a few more weeks before introducing cereal. 

We are working REALLY hard on sleeping.  Before the move she had this down.  Since then.... not so much.  The past few days she is back to sleeping 9-10 hours at night.  YEAH!  Naps are another story.  She has gotten spoiled and will only fall asleep for naps if we are holding her or laying with her.  I am trying very very hard to get naps down in her crib and let her cry it out.  After an hour though, she breaks me.  We have a very stubborn child on our hands!

She is not rolling yet but we work on this daily.  She enjoys tummy time but only in about 10 minute increments.  She LOVES her activity mat.  She is starting to really enjoy her exersaucer and jumperoo.  We also work on sitting balance. She has none but is working.  She sits like a champ when supported though. 

Happy 4 months Kinley!  We love you!

Jordan's Wedding

This post is WAY out of order but I wanted to show the cute family picture we took at Jordan and Brittany's wedding.  Kinley was about 6 weeks old here.  We had SO much fun.  Luckily, Gammy and Poppy came in from TX to babysit so Matt and I could have fun. 

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Kinley talks

Kinley has been very talkative lately.  Matt and I have tried several times to record her but she typically stops talking when she sees the camera.  I was able to sneak this one though (please disregard background noises).  She cracks us up when she gets going.  It is way too cute!  Based on how much she babbles now, Matt and I think we are going to have a major chatter box on our hands when she really starts talking.  Hope you guys like the video as much as we do. 

Friday, February 24, 2012


Kinley started daycare on February 5, 2012.   Even though I haven't started work yet (long story) I wanted to go ahead and send her as scheduled so that we would both get used to it.  It was SOOOO hard!  I cried like a baby the whole drive home.  I even had to call my mom at work to have her calm me down.  I had never left Kinley before.  Once the shock wore off, I realized it was okay.  It was amazing how much I was able to get done around the house. 

As you can imagine, I was over prepared and typed up this long list of "helpful hints"
for her daycare teachers.  She did great and didn't seem to mind being at daycare.  I tried to upload the list and her first report card but can't figure it out.  Here is a pic of her first day.


In January we moved to Council Bluffs, IA to begin a new journey in our lives. Matt was given a wonderful opportunity with Scoular and after much consideration we decided to leave our friends in Kansas City and move to Iowa. The whole thing was bitter sweet. It was great for Matt's career but very hard to leave everyone who has become a second family to us.

A few days before the move, Peggy came to help out with Kinley. THANK YOU PEGGY!!! She helped us out with Kinley while we did what little packing we had to do. Then when the movers came, she kept Kinley (and mommy) occupied while they packed up our house and loaded up the truck. WOW! I will NEVER move without movers again. That was so easy.

We closed on our house in Iowa on January 26, 2012. The unpacking process was a headache as unpacking always is. Luckily, Kinley loves her activity mat and kept herself occupied for long stretches of time so that Matt, Peggy, and I could unpack. There were times that we had a hard time getting to her because she was surrounded by boxes.

We are now unpacked and slowly settling in. Some things we will have to do over time but it is gradually becoming more and more like home. Here are just a few pics of Kinley in the new house. I will post pics of the house once we get things decorated and finish all the re-painting.

Old pic but..... IOWA?  What the hell?
I don't know about that daddy.

Chillin in the exercise mat while we unpacked

Lounging in the bumbo

Matt thought it was funny to give her a pancake.
She didn't actually get it in her mouth but it was funny.

Grandma (and Grandpa) visit Iowa.
We got 9 inches of snow that weekend. Happy Snow!

She really likes moving in her jumperoo

She looks so grown up! It was -6 that day!

Matt made french toast for my birthday. This time she actuallly did put it to her mouth.

2 Month Stats

Here are the stats from Kinley's 2 month appointment.

Weight: 11# 2 oz. (55%)
Length: 22 1/2 inches (52%)
HC:  15.5 inches (65%)

She had to get 4 shots.  She did amazing!  We were prepped with a bottle and she barely even cried. 

Random 2-4 month pics


Matt thinks she looks like a rapper here

All smiles!

First time sitting in the bumbo.  Still little wobbly with her head

She loves diaper time

Swaddled up and ready for bed

She missed her daddy while he was in the hospital.

Is this bad?  I needed to change laundry

Tummy Time!

Matt tries the Baby Bjorn!
She loved it!

All dressed up for her first football party

Just playing in the exersaucer

This was the first day she began playing with toys

Merry Christmas

This year, we were supposed to be in Texas with Matt's family for Christmas.  We were so excited to show Kinley off to all the family.  None of Matt's siblings have met her yet.  Plus, we hadn't seen our nieces or nephews in over a year.  All the kids just could not wait to see Kinley.  Well, not Madison because she doesn't really like babies but everyone else was excited.  Unfortunately, a few days before we were supposed to leave we found out that Matt had osteomyelitis again.  Horrible!! So, we had to stay in Olathe so that he could have some tests run.  We were really upset not to be able to see our families but made the best of it.  It ended up being really nice.  Our first Christmas with Kinley was just the three of us as a family.  Something we will never forget.  

Random 1-2 month old pics

A few of my favorite from the 1-2 month age......

She looks so much like Matt here

First real bath!  She loves bathes now!

Her first slow dance!  Not sure who is more in love?

This is one of the funniest.  She looks like she is gonna hit someone!

So happy!

She loves tummy time!


She loves napping in our bed.

Random Newborn Photos

I did not do a very good job of getting photos off my phone or dating them.  Oops!  So, the next few posts are going to be just a bunch of my favorite ones.  Enjoy!

This is around 1 week old.  I was leaving my follow-up appt for high BP.

Snuggle time with Grandma

First time she ever tried a bottle.  We were out to the dr.
during feeding time.  She used to make those funny arms!

She loves snuggling with daddy!

Her first party outfit!  Going to a baby shower at a wine bar!

Such funny faces!

Bath time!

Snuggling with G Squared (Grandpa Greg)

Boots with the fur!