Wednesday, February 29, 2012

4 month stats

I can't believe my baby is 4 months old!  Time has gone by way too fast.  Kinley had her 4 month doctor's visit today (just 3 days past her 4 month birthday).   I ended up going with a doctor's group associated with Omaha Children's Hospital.  We really liked her doctor.  Kinley had to get several shots and she was a trooper.  I timed her feeding out to be around her appt time so I could feed her immediately after her shots.  These seems to work great.  She is a little more fussy than normal so we are keeping up on Tylenol to help her. 

She is looking at Macy here.  She LOVES her.  It is so cute to watch her face light up around Macy. 
They are going to be good friends.  I have a feeling they will fight over toys though!

At 4 months Kinley is....

25 inches long (76.45%)
14 lbs. 5.4 oz (65.21 %)
HC is 42.4 cm (84.58%)

She is currently wearing 3-6 month sleepers and 0-3 month clothes. 

She is in size 2 diapers.

She is currently eating 4-6 oz (mixed breastmilk and formula) per feeding every 3-4 hours.  She still nurses 1-3 times a day dependent on where we are and what we are doing.  We have not started cereal or baby foods yet.  The doctor recommended I wait a few more weeks before introducing cereal. 

We are working REALLY hard on sleeping.  Before the move she had this down.  Since then.... not so much.  The past few days she is back to sleeping 9-10 hours at night.  YEAH!  Naps are another story.  She has gotten spoiled and will only fall asleep for naps if we are holding her or laying with her.  I am trying very very hard to get naps down in her crib and let her cry it out.  After an hour though, she breaks me.  We have a very stubborn child on our hands!

She is not rolling yet but we work on this daily.  She enjoys tummy time but only in about 10 minute increments.  She LOVES her activity mat.  She is starting to really enjoy her exersaucer and jumperoo.  We also work on sitting balance. She has none but is working.  She sits like a champ when supported though. 

Happy 4 months Kinley!  We love you!

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