Thursday, February 23, 2012

Induction and C-section

During the end of my pregnancy, I started having issues with blood pressure.  Although I was technically not preeclamptic, I did have pregnancy induced hypertension.  So, my doctor and I schedule for an induction.  Kinley was due to grace us with her presence on October 26.  I was extremely nervous to be induced but at least it was going to allow for our parents to plan ahead and be able to be at the hospital with us during delivery.

The weekend before induction, my pressure was REALLY high.  We are talking like 190s/110s.  Stupid me thought the machine wasn't working correctly so just let it go and stayed in bed more.  I felt fine so didn't think much about it.  The Monday before induction on Tuesday night/Wednesday morning, my amazing mother-in-law Peggy flew in from Texas to help out.  Yeah!! 

Matt and I checked into Menorah Medical Center on Tuesday, October 25, 2011.  Upon checkin, my pressure was still high at 193/112.  We had planned on having this relaxing night in the hospital watching shows on FX.  That did NOT happen.  The doctor started me on Magnesium to prevent seizures.  YIKES!  This made me feel like I had been hit by a train.  It decreases muscle control and makes you really hot.  I was on FIRE!!!  We had the air conditioning in the room set down to 60 degrees and I was still burning up.  I got NO sleep that night.  God bless Matt, he was freezing and was drinking hot bouillon and coffee all night. 

The next morning they started pitosin at around 7:00.  My pressure continued to be high and thus I remained on bed rest.  The doctors and nurses periodically checked me and I was not making progress.  I was not dilating at all and was not effaced.  The only good part was that my parents had arrived and were able to comfort us as well.  It was so great to know they were going to be there but I was so out of it that I couldn't enjoy them too much.  By late afternoon, I was beginning to have small contractions but nothing to speak of.  My mom said that I was just laying there wimpering and whining. 

Around 5 p.m. the doctor came in to talk to us.  At that point she felt like for the safety of Kinley and myself we needed to have a c-section.  I was SO nervous but my amazing husband comforted me and held my hand the whole way.  The anesthesiologist had trouble getting the epidural in and ended up having to call a second dr to assist.  Matt told me later that he was so nervous because so much time had passed and they hadn't come to get him yet.  Then.... we were ready.  The moment I heard Kinley cry for the first time and got to see her beautiful face will forever be the happiest moment of my life.  I could not believe that Matt and I had created something so beautiful.  Our love for her was more than we could have ever imagined.

Ready or Not?  Here she comes....

Kinley Reese Telg
Born October 26, 2011
6:42 p.m.
7# 14.5 oz
19 inches long


And two become three.  A family is created

Already letting us know she is a Queen

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