Friday, February 24, 2012


Kinley started daycare on February 5, 2012.   Even though I haven't started work yet (long story) I wanted to go ahead and send her as scheduled so that we would both get used to it.  It was SOOOO hard!  I cried like a baby the whole drive home.  I even had to call my mom at work to have her calm me down.  I had never left Kinley before.  Once the shock wore off, I realized it was okay.  It was amazing how much I was able to get done around the house. 

As you can imagine, I was over prepared and typed up this long list of "helpful hints"
for her daycare teachers.  She did great and didn't seem to mind being at daycare.  I tried to upload the list and her first report card but can't figure it out.  Here is a pic of her first day.

1 comment:

  1. I am SOOO happy you decided to start a blog! I will be checking in on your beautiful family all the time! Miss you guys!
