Sunday, March 25, 2012

Weekend full of Firsts!

This weekend we had LOTS of firsts!  For starters, Kara, one of my good friends from grad school came to visit.  She drove all the way across Iowa from Davenport.  Kara was here on Friday night and Saturday morning.  We went on a long walk around the neighborhood with Kinley.  That night, Kinley stayed home with a sitter while we went out for Mexican, Kara's favorite.  This was Kinley's first time to meet Kara!  Kinley just loved her.   Here are a few pics....

Our next big 1st...... Kinley started on cereal!  She did did really good with it and seemed to enjoy having something new.  It was obviously messy but so cute! 

The final 1st.... Kinley caught her first fish!  Yep, that's right, Kinley and Matt when fishing. She was so interested in watching Matt.  It was way too cute!  Kinley caught a perch and later Matt caught a big catfish.  Enjoy!

St. Patty's Day weekend

On St. Patty's Day, we went bowling in Omaha with Scoular.  It was pretty fun and I think Kinley enjoyed watching all the people.  It was pretty cool to show her off!  That night, Matt and I tried to go out to dinner.  It was near Kinley's bed time so I fed her before we left and figured she would fall asleep in her carseat.  I couldn't have been more wrong!  We ended up having to leave the restaurant because she would not stop crying.  It was horrible!  I didn't get to eat any of my dinner.  Luckily, we had a great waiter and she cracked all my crablegs for me before she boxed it.  Yeah! 

Kinley has been so interested in toys lately.  It is so cute to watch her investigate her surroundings and play with toys.  She is working on sitting with and without the boppy.  She is doing pretty good until she remembers she has toes and decides to eat them instead of sitting up and playing with her toys.    Below she is playing with her picnic basket that my mom got her.  Kinley loves it!

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Kinley Rolls

I managed to get this great video of Kinley rolling the other day.  Macy is her motivation which is really too cute.  This is the first time she has rolled consecutively.  Enjoy!

Kinley's First Cold

So this week, Kinley had her first cold.  She started getting a little cough last Saturday and by Sunday had a wicked cough and a fever.  Her fever got up to 102 but with Tylenol we were able to bring it down to a reasonable level.  When I talked to the doctor on Monday they said just to monitor her fever and the cough.  Come to find out that 4/6 babies in her daycare were out sick with RSV.  I ended up keeping Kinley home all week.  She has been sleeping anywhere from 17-20 hours per day and barely eating.  Starting Friday, she started eating more so I think she is finally feeling better. 
This was her first stroller ride as a Big Girl!

She started "Noodling" this week.  When she is really tired she "talks/whines" and sticks her hands in your mouth. 
She got Matt really good the other night.  Gross.
Another walk!  I think she is really starting to like them

My sleeping beauty!

Friday, March 9, 2012

Reminder of how little she used to be

I came across a few of  Kinley's newborn pictures that I had from Facebook.  Thought I could use a little reminder of how little my big girl used to be.  Thanks to Lauren Simpson and Images by Studio S for taking such amazing photos of our baby girl! 

Kinley Rolls!

Kinley has been very close to rolling for a while now.  Well, last night she finally decided to do it.  She woke up crying at 4 a.m.  I let her cry for about 15 minutes.  When I went into her room, she was on her belly!  I flipped her and she went back to sleep.  When I went back in at 8 a.m., she was on her bellly again!  I, of course, was SO nervous!  I kept poking her to make sure she was okay.  When she woke up so had this look of confusion, like "why am I on my belly?"  Too funny!  She wasn't mad, just laid there and talked to herself for like 10 minutes.  I snapped a few photos for proof. 

Later today, we were on her tummy mat.  I had her laying on her belly for some tummy time.  Until today, she hasn't tried to roll from belly to back.  No interest.  BUT..... today she did it all on her own!  Yeah!   She then proceeded to roll back from her back to her belly again!  I was so excited.  When Matt got home from work, we had her on the mat again.  She decided to show off for daddy.  I am so happy that he got to see it too. 

Before we know it she is going to be all over the place!  I am going to try to catch the rolling on video so everyone can see.  Here are the pics from her crib this morning.

"I think I'll sleep on my belly now!"  Her head was face down resting on her hands.
Scary for mommy but I guess she was comfy.

"What the heck?"

"Oh, okay, belly..... well, I guess I should just start talking."

Weekly update and recent photos

This past week has been busy for us.  I FINALLY got a job!  Well, actually two of them.  I am going to be working prn for both Creighton University Medical Center and University of Nebraska Medical Center.  I start on the 19th.  YEAH!!!!  I am so excited to start working again, but at the same time am dreading not having the time to spend with Kinley. 

She has been doing better with sleeping this week and is continuing to work on naps while at daycare.  From what they say things are getting better.

Today, we went to visit Matt at his new office.   He was scared I would freak out because it is a grain elevator and dirty.  While it is much different than the corporate world in Overland Park, it wasn't too bad. 

Here are a few pics from the past week. 

I made this!  I have NEVER made anything before and thanks to Pinterest I was able to make something for Kinley's bows.  Sadly, this didn't even get close to holding all her headbands. 

She LOVES baths!  She has learned how to splash with her feet and just cracks herself up.  TOO CUTE!

This week she finally started actually grabbing her feet with her hands.  She loves it. 
I am just waiting for her to start eating her toes.

Visiting Daddy at work!  Notice the "boots with the fur".  She liked seeing all the new people and being passed around.  She wasn't too sure what to think when the corn started going through some machine though.

Chilling in her bumbo!

Friday, March 2, 2012

Enjoying the Jumperoo

Kinley has really started enjoying her Jumperoo lately.  She will jump for 20+ minutes!  I think she inherited this need for constant movement from Matt.  She definately does not enjoy just relaxing like her momma.  After I took this video I played it back for her.  She really gets a kick out of watching and hearing herself.  Too funny!