Friday, March 9, 2012

Weekly update and recent photos

This past week has been busy for us.  I FINALLY got a job!  Well, actually two of them.  I am going to be working prn for both Creighton University Medical Center and University of Nebraska Medical Center.  I start on the 19th.  YEAH!!!!  I am so excited to start working again, but at the same time am dreading not having the time to spend with Kinley. 

She has been doing better with sleeping this week and is continuing to work on naps while at daycare.  From what they say things are getting better.

Today, we went to visit Matt at his new office.   He was scared I would freak out because it is a grain elevator and dirty.  While it is much different than the corporate world in Overland Park, it wasn't too bad. 

Here are a few pics from the past week. 

I made this!  I have NEVER made anything before and thanks to Pinterest I was able to make something for Kinley's bows.  Sadly, this didn't even get close to holding all her headbands. 

She LOVES baths!  She has learned how to splash with her feet and just cracks herself up.  TOO CUTE!

This week she finally started actually grabbing her feet with her hands.  She loves it. 
I am just waiting for her to start eating her toes.

Visiting Daddy at work!  Notice the "boots with the fur".  She liked seeing all the new people and being passed around.  She wasn't too sure what to think when the corn started going through some machine though.

Chilling in her bumbo!

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