Sunday, March 25, 2012

St. Patty's Day weekend

On St. Patty's Day, we went bowling in Omaha with Scoular.  It was pretty fun and I think Kinley enjoyed watching all the people.  It was pretty cool to show her off!  That night, Matt and I tried to go out to dinner.  It was near Kinley's bed time so I fed her before we left and figured she would fall asleep in her carseat.  I couldn't have been more wrong!  We ended up having to leave the restaurant because she would not stop crying.  It was horrible!  I didn't get to eat any of my dinner.  Luckily, we had a great waiter and she cracked all my crablegs for me before she boxed it.  Yeah! 

Kinley has been so interested in toys lately.  It is so cute to watch her investigate her surroundings and play with toys.  She is working on sitting with and without the boppy.  She is doing pretty good until she remembers she has toes and decides to eat them instead of sitting up and playing with her toys.    Below she is playing with her picnic basket that my mom got her.  Kinley loves it!

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