Saturday, March 17, 2012

Kinley's First Cold

So this week, Kinley had her first cold.  She started getting a little cough last Saturday and by Sunday had a wicked cough and a fever.  Her fever got up to 102 but with Tylenol we were able to bring it down to a reasonable level.  When I talked to the doctor on Monday they said just to monitor her fever and the cough.  Come to find out that 4/6 babies in her daycare were out sick with RSV.  I ended up keeping Kinley home all week.  She has been sleeping anywhere from 17-20 hours per day and barely eating.  Starting Friday, she started eating more so I think she is finally feeling better. 
This was her first stroller ride as a Big Girl!

She started "Noodling" this week.  When she is really tired she "talks/whines" and sticks her hands in your mouth. 
She got Matt really good the other night.  Gross.
Another walk!  I think she is really starting to like them

My sleeping beauty!

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